Over the holidays, Kevin and I stopped by the Poor Clares monastery in my hometown.
I love going there. Makes me feel closer to God. It feels mysterious and amazing.
I wrote a note to the sisters and I asked them for prayers.
I asked them to pray to help me reach people through my art.
Last week I received a beautiful note from the sisters which included some prayers. In the hustle and bustle of normal family life chaos I thought I had misplaced the prayers...until last night. I drove Libbie to her grade school Basketball game and as she exited the car, I saw some papers gleaming from the side pocket of the car. There, in the pile of other mail, was the note and prayers from the sisters. I was so happy.
I went into the basketball game and sat on the bench. I carefully opened the envelope and re-read all the notes. I folded the faith prayer (above) and put it in the pocket of my new phone case, to have with me at all times.
A few minutes later, I checked my phone and messages and read this following message:
Hi Lisa
Happy New Year!!!
I hope life is treating you well! I saw the picture of the two Cardinals on the website and I would really like to purchase that for my mother as a Mother's Day gift. The cardinal is very special in my family as it was her mothers favorite bird to watch. She passed away on Christmas some years ago. When I saw the picture it made me cry... It is perfect and beautiful! Lots of love... Erin

Tears filled my eyes with gratitude and love for this message I received and for the loving support of the sisters and mostly from God above. Unknowingly my art reached Erin. Could it be that God worked through me? If so, that is the most beautiful blessing I could ever imagine. I wanted to share this with you because
my faith is stronger today. How is God working through you today? Have faith, have trust, have hope...have faith.
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