A DIY Wedding...
My cousin, Tennyson married her charming Chef and best friend, Gregg... in an old foundry called "Joanna Furnace" just outside of Philadelphia. It was a crisp October day.
The wedding ceremony was simple and sweet...and personal. It was an element of charming surprises!
The flowers were made of heavy crepe paper.
The flower girls carried hand-made ribbon wands...
The programs were printed on beautiful paper...
My daughters wore ribbon crowns in their hair...
Paper flower wristlets were worn by the attendants...
And Hello Kitty...stole the show!
Tennyson wore a 1930's vintage dress in beige with red shoes, a flower crown, and a paper flower wristlet.
Her flower headpiece was extraordinary...and so were their vows.
The paper flower wristlet worn by the bride. (Notice the wedding ring. The cute couple was so nervous they didn't get the ring on the correct finger.)
Friends and family filled the garden.
The ribbon crown turned into heart during the ceremony...
Gregg's brother joined the harpist on guitar and music filled the air.
My daughter and niece highlight the reception area at Joanna Furnace.
And the friends filled the former foundry with joy and laughter. Gregg designed a delicious whiskey punch as the signature drink.
The FOOD was amazing! Look at the menu. Gregg used his skills as a chef for Jose Garcas to develop this phenomenal menu.
Attention to details were everywhere. Look! Watercolor paintings (by Rosalie) distinguish whether the cheese was from a cow or a goat...
The charcuterie meats were delicious...and beautiful works of art on their own.
The decorations of flags and white lights were simple and charming.
Thank you Tennyson and Gregg for such a beautiful wedding.
Just like the foundry...
May the LOVE that has been poured today be the mold for your future.
May LOVE be with you always and may all your dreams come true...TOGETHER!
Salute! xox lisA

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