Culture Shock gets Frosty
I have a new LOVE. It is in Rockford, Illinois. It is the little shop known as Culture Shock! It comes complete with a BIG heart...and cool stuff.
It is owned by my friend Lauren and her hubby Skyler.
Here is how Lauren describes it...
"It's a store for those kids and adults who like harder to find clothing accessories, and gifts. Every item we order is unique in some way, and there truly is something for EVERYONE here. In about 2008 we added VINYL RECORDS into the mix and never looked back! Now we are 1/2 Record Store, and 1/2 Retail Store!"
I found a cute dress with ships. I tried it on. Instantly I felt like I could sail. So I bought it. It was $46.99. Now I'm hopeful my ship will come in.
Culture Shock will be at Frost & Friends.
Can't wait!
xox lisA

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