Fresh flowers create positive energy in the home or workplace.
So, let's mix-it-up and do a little fresh flower arranging "frosty" style today!
Are you ready?
Today's Assignment...Go out and buy or pick yourself flowers! (I went to the grocery and bought a small bouquet of green and purple mums for $3.99 and then cut dried hydrangea flowers and feathery ornamental grass from my winter garden.)
Next...Look around the house for ordinary vessels. Open your kitchen pantry and find a tin, a glass bottle, a coffee can. (Empty,clean, and test the tin to make sure it will not leak once you put water in it!) Oh, if you have more than one vessel...even better. I like the number THREE.
1. Eyeball the length you want to cut the flowers for your vessel.
2. Cut the flowers under running water, on an angle and between the joints of the flower.
3. Arrange by grouping, height and texture...fill with water.
4. Create a little cluster on your table, window sill, or desk...
TA-DA extraORDINARY flower arrangement created by YOU!!!
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