Every girl needs a "special" cupboard...hahahaha! (I think it is where you should hide your stash of chocolate. )
Well, I wrapped my "special" cupboard with foil wrapping paper. It was EASY and it looks so festive.
Here is what you need (hot glue gun optional):

First, I eye-balled how much paper I would need. I wrapped the door just like a present!

Cut a little slit to bring the hardware forth.

Eye-balled how much ribbon I would need and taped it to the front and back of the cupboard.

Eye-balled the loops of my bow so not to make them too big or too small.

Added some tinsel and mesh to my ribbon to add interest. Attached it to the door with tape first and then a touch of hot glue.

Have a happy Holidays kind of day...
xox lisA
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