Ice cream is a very popular treat around here. My kids LOVE it! I have been wanting an ice cream maker for some time. I did just a little bit of research and found that
Cuisinart was the way to go. I purchased the Ice Cream maker. (Over time, I am sure we will save money over buying store brand ice cream.) Libbie, my 11 year old, and I decided to dive right in and make homemade ice cream.

Ta-Da! Here it is. First thing we had to do was freeze the drum for 24 hours. The package said it is very important to get it very frozen and evenly.
Then we decided our first flavor would be Strawberry. (Cuisinart provided a Recipe Booklet.)
We started the recipe:
1. Chopped 1.5 cups of fresh strawberries, set aside
2. whisked together 3/4 c whole milk
3. 2/3 c sugar
4. pinch o salt
5. with the hand mixer stirred in 1.5c heavy cream and 1.5 tsp of vanilla
Covered and let set overnight.
The next day, we poured the strawberry mixture into the frozen freezer drum. We turned it on and let it mix for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes the mixture amazingly became thick...
It made about a quart. It was smooth and soft but hardened after about 1/2 hour in the freezer.
This machine is SLICK...it was like magic!

Here it is! We added some strawberry wafer cookies and fresh strawberry garnish. My Libbie was so proud of our accomplishment. Now, they all scream for ice cream. Next, we will try something with lower fat...Raspberry Sorbet.
Happy Summer!
xox lisA
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