Happy PI Day...
Let's get Frosted!
Today is 3.14 which is PI, the never ending number.
It is also Einstein's Birthday.
So in honor of PI (and Albert) I will bake a PIE, share a pie, and eat a pie!!! Won't you join me?
This recipe is called Banana-Fana Frosty Cream Pie. It is super easy thanks to Nana Katie (who made this pie everyday in her restaurant)...and it just so happens to be Libbie's favorite!
Banana-Fana Frosty Cream Pie
2 1/2 c milk
3/4 c sugar
2 egg yolks
3 heaping Tbsp cornstarch
2 tsp vanilla
pie crust (I used the Pillsbury refrigerated dough)
Whipped cream ( I used Coolwhip)
1. Try this! Make little pies. (Instead of making one pie, I made individual pies. I made the little crusts in pot pie tins. I baked them according to the direction on the package.)
2. In a saucepan... whisk milk, sugar, egg yolks, cornstarch...cook over medium heat...stirring constantly! As is starts to thicken stir in the vanilla...and get ready to pour this into your pie shell while warm.
3. Add a layer of sliced bananas to the pie shells...ripe ones!
5. Pour...layer... repeat until you reach the top.
6. Refrigerate in the Ice Box
7. Add generous dollops of whipped cream. (Try putting your whipped cream in a plastic baggie, cut the corner tip and squeeze for pretty peaks.) If you're serving right away...slice up some bananas for finials on top of the peaks.
ENJOY eating this never ending number...xox lisA

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