Yesterday, I painted the town! The
Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau...asked me to paint their windows for holiday cheer/Downtown Holiday and to add more color to the city. I came up with a whimsical design that incorporated SPECIAL things that make the city unique (personified as snowmen of course).
My hope was to make it a mural for our city to enjoy. The Symbol sculpture by Alexander Lieberman, Cheap Trick, Winter Wonderland, the Rock River, the Regatta Rowing Race, the Jefferson Street Bridge, Jane the Dinosaur, the Rockford Peaches, The Forest City, the director of RACVB in his hipster glasses (hahaha!)...and of course Santa led by dogs to celebrate our furry friends! My interns Annabel, Allyson and Sara helped me. It took us about 8 hours. I hope it spreads cheer throughout the LAND!
xox lisA

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