Soda Pop Cake
There is a reincarnated world of soda pop. Unique flavors, grown-up tastes, and (sometimes)lower sugars. My grocery has a whole section of soda pop with flavors like grapefruit, black cherry, cucumber,hibiscus. I bought a 4-pack on sale for $2.79.
I remember my Mom used to make the Coca-Cola and 7-up cake. So I figured I'd give the soda craze a try by mixing soda pop in with a box cake mix. When the recipe called for water, I replaced it with Soda pop. Next, I am going to try mixing pop into my salad dressing recipe...and maybe my BBQ sauce?
I used a Lemon box cake and Orange soda pop....ummmm delish!
For this cake, I mixed Black Cherry soda pop with a chocolate box mix. This taste was more subtle. Hummm, what should I try next???
Enjoy! xox lisA

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