Strawberry Fields...forever!
I've crossed off yet another one from my list of summertime goals...strawberry picking. YEE-HAW!!! Yesterday, I stopped at the Walvoord's Berry Farm in Cedar Grove, WI. I have never done this so you can imagine, I was pretty excited.

Let me take you down cause I'm going to ...Strawberry fields. (Thanks Beatles!) Here they are!!! Look at all the bright red fruit below the leaves.
Here are the procedural rules for heading out into the strawberry fields.
These folks are picking and picking and picking! It was very quiet. This is serious business.
Pulling back the leaves revealed beautiful strawberries. My fingers turned bright pink. I couldn't help but eat a few along the way...shhhhh! The box below cost me $5.oo.
And left me with a little creative inspiration. This is my painted strawberry.
Can't wait to make a strawberry pie. I hope to visit again and until then, I will have good memories of strawberry fields forever!
Happy day...
xox lisA

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