At the end of every rainbow you will find a full and satisfied FAMILY!!!
Frosty's Magically Delicious Pancake Recipe
2c Milk
2 Eggs
Pinch of Salt
1/3c Sugar
Splash of Vanilla
2 tablespoon melted Butter or Margarine
1 1/4c Self-Rising Flour
Mix wet ingredients with mixer or whisk.
Mix dry ingredients...add Flour slowly while stirring constantly.
Divide Batter into 5 equal bowls.
Add several drops of food coloring to each bowl in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.
Preheat electric frying pan.
Take stick of butter and swoop over hot pan.
Pour colored batter onto pan. You will have two pancakes per color.
Flip when bubbly.
The story behind the recipe:
The above recipe has been adapted from Mrs. Freeman's recipe. You may be asking yourself...who is Mrs. Freeman? Mrs. Freeman was my husband's childhood babysitter. She was his real life Mary Poppins expect she didn't fly, wasn't a live-in Nanny, and didn't use the word supercalifragiliciosespeolious. BUT Mrs. Freeman could whip-up the best stack of pancakes in the LAND. The Frost Family has made her pancakes ever since Mrs. Freeman came into their lives so many years ago.
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