Are you social media savvy and interested in becoming a FROSTY Brand Ambassador? If chosen, you could receive new release, FREE, frosty products. Oh-la-la!
lisA fRosT studio is so excited to announce our first ever Brand Rep Search. We are looking for 2 ladies (or gents) to be the official #FROSTYAMBASSADOR to lisA fRosT studio!
Super easy to apply:
1. Post a picture of your favorite Banner/product to the lisA fRosT studio Facebook page and your own personal Facebook page and tag or share with @lisAfRosT (no need to be a professional photographer BUT I am looking for quality photos and creative displays.)
2.You must be following this page @lisA fRosT on Facebook and if using... follow also on Twitter, Instagram (@lisafrosty)
3. Use the hash tag #FROSTYAMBASSADOR within your text along with your photo of your banner and also tell why you love it, why it would benefit another, how it makes you feel, etc.
That's it!
Winners of the #FROSTYAMBASSADOR search will be announced on Aug 7th, 2014. Reps will win a 3 month Ambassador program which includes FREE items from my collections each month to promote... with more details to follow in an email.
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