Kim was my friend in college. Our waitressing gig landed us as fast friends. We were pretty close. Kim was so pretty she could have been a model, she was funny and always made me laugh, she was loyal and she absolutely loved animals. On the weekends when I would go out to the bars and dancing, Kim would volunteer her time at the animal shelter. I watched her love animals beyond measure. We stayed close for a few years after college, but as time moved on, we lost touch. Until Facebook reconnected us. I am so proud of her beautiful life with husband and three gorgeous children...and her dog, Kariba. Kariba was no ordinary dog...she spent 10 of her 12 years in a wheelchair. A few days ago, my news feed kept posting pictures of Kim's dog, Kariba. Something was terribly wrong. And as I read her posts, I understood she was saying goodbye in the most heartfelt way, to her family dog. They had to put her down. I felt my lip quiver and my heart heavy for Kim as I glanced at that last photo of her hug around Kariba's big neck. I knew I had to do something. THis was KIM...the greatest animal lover I have ever known. A heart as big as St. Francis. I mean, it takes a special person to care for a dog in a wheel chair. I hugged my dogs, Rockie and Ceaser and I then did what I do... I painted. I started with a portrait of my Rockie...

And then moved on to Kariba...

All of this, got me thinking. As hard as it is...losing someone sometimes brings out something special and pure of heart in others. Many people bake and cook meals for the family. Hand made gifts are often made. All of these gestures are a way of saying, my heart is with your heart. It's human spirit...and it is really a beautiful thing. People just want to make it better. No easy feat, I know. I wanted to commemorate a piece that would capture her Kariba...something that will always live in her heart. Just wanted her to know that her old friend is thinking about her... I messaged Kim last night. I can't wait to give it to her.